Matomo feat. Metabase : how to improve your Matomo visualisations -- Watch live here:


    Lukas (MatomoCamp) created this room.

    This is the start of export of Metabase. Exported by Lukas ( at 2021/11/26.

    Topic: Matomo feat. Metabase : how to improve your Matomo visualisations -- Watch live here:

  1. Lukas (MatomoCamp) joined the room
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  5. Lukas (MatomoCamp) changed the room name to Metabase.
  6. Lukas (MatomoCamp) changed the topic to "Matomo feat. Metabase : how to improve your Matomo visualisations -- Watch live here: ".
  7. Lukas (MatomoCamp) invited Lukas
  8. Lukas (MatomoCamp) invited Markus
  9. Lukas (MatomoCamp) invited silva.arapi
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  24. dynnammo
    Hey there. For those who are coming to my presentation , slides are here
  25. I'll be pleased to answer your questions or go in deeper details in the BBB chat or here after the presentation.
  26. Mikael Jonsson (datamicke) joined the room
  27. maxwalter joined the room
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  29. Peter Dumbreak joined the room
  30. ronanchardonneau
    Thank you for accepting the challenge to make this conference in English Baptiste.
  31. bjornsoderbergh joined the room
  32. ibu joined the room
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  34. Jordi Isidro Llobet joined the room
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  36. Åsa Sohlén joined the room
  37. ronanchardonneau
    whao just would like to acknowledge all the efforts you are doing Baptiste in order to introduce the full topic.
  38. Have you analyzed how they developed the connector for Google Analytics at Metabase? Any code that one could take back to code a connector for Matomo?
  39. What are the new features that Metabase developped over the last 6 months? and or any new coming nice features which would make the integration of Matomo easier?
  40. Haha the secret formula
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    Tomas Persson joined the room
  42. Peter Makkes joined the room
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  45. ronanchardonneau
    how much work in terms of time would you estimate for the creation of a driver (potentially cost if it was you coding it)?
  46. have you any tutorials showing how to make this matomo pull? I could definitely write some.
  47. Joachim Nickel ( joined the room
  48. Mikael Jonsson (datamicke)
    Impressive =)
  49. ronanchardonneau
    how happy your client is about Matomo within Metabase?
  50. Tomas Persson
    Have you also imported some visitor_log "raw data" from Matomo into Metabase or are you just working with aggregated data?
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  52. Juliette Boulay joined the room
  53. ronanchardonneau
    Have you seen any discrepancies in terms of data between Matomo and Metabase data? Typically the count of visits per day.
  54. ronanchardonneau
    Have you consider other open source data visualization software? why did you finally choose to go for Metabase?
  55. In reply to this message

    so it would mean create a new pull for each segment?
  56. Tomas Persson
    We have played around with exporting raw data and will probably release a plugin to help you with that next year. As you said the Matomo DB is pretty complex, but we actually have some exports from Matomo to a datalake in place already.
  57. We played around with Apache Superset as well (ontop of the data lake)
  58. ronanchardonneau
    Thank you very much Baptiste for your feedback. Great conference.
  59. Peter Makkes
    Great presentation, Baptiste. Thank you.
  60. Tomas Persson
    Very nice job!
  61. bjornsoderbergh
  62. Åsa Sohlén
  63. Mikael Jonsson (datamicke)
    thank you
  64. Jordi Isidro Llobet
    Nice presentation! Thanks!
  65. ronanchardonneau
    thank you
  66. Peter Makkes
    Will the presentation be avaible?
  67. dynnammo
    Arriving here and seeing all those messages 😱 Yes, here it is I'm putting again the link for the matomo_pull repo : (any help warmly appreciated) and for the public dashboard made for ANCT (
  68. Peter Makkes
    Thank you.
  69. dynnammo
    I also uploaded them on the matomocamp website
  70. In reply to this message

    Héhé, excalidraw for the win (for those who don't know that tool, it's pretty easy to make diagrams :
  71. petermakkes changed their display name to Peter Makkes
  72. dynnammo

    In reply to this message

    I have more details about that here :
    there is a discourse forum ( and also resources to start with.
    I think we could handle it by the end of the first quarter 2022 (pessimistic estimation).
  73. ryanowen93 joined the room